Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Resolve:

In the spirit of the New Year, I decided that it would be good to write down my New Year's resolutions in a place that I hold close to my heart. . .ok really, I figured that maybe if I put them on my blog, my friends would give me a hard time if I try to break them and it may help keep me on the straight and narrow a little? So, that's the plan. Here's my vague, yet important, list of New Year's Resolutions for all the world to see:

1. Live on purpose. I'm a chicken, most of the time, when it comes to feelings or just plain being blah about things. I'm a 'whatever' girl and while I think it's good to be agreeable, it's not good to be a pushover. So, I'm living on purpose and with a purpose. No more being scared. 2007 is the year for bravery.
2. Stop swearing as much as I currently do (Now I don't have the mouth of a sailor and we must all realize that some swearing does offer comedic value but I'm to the point of being a bit out of control. Time to stop. . .or at least slow down.).
3. Cook more. Suprisingly, I like doing it. Mom, don't faint. It can be fun. . . if you plan ahead. So that's what I'm going to do. It probably won't be a lot but anything is better than what I currently do. Besides, eating out is expensive! If I cook then I can have a hot lunch and not have to spend $9 for it. Which leads me to:
4. Don't spend so much money on useless crap. I have a shopping problem. Everyone is aware of it. I spend a lot of money on useless junk (like eating out) that could be used for better purposes. I want to cut my 'useless crap' budget by at least 1/3.
5. 20 bye 20 - Mel, that one's for you. Keep me in line. This is a 'less sugar' resolution that I made with mi amiga Melissa. I may be cranky until April but I'm hoping it's worth it?

Ok, so there are a lot more resolutions that I've made for myself than are probably feasible. In fact, there are 3 or 4 more that I didn't even list that fall under the 'be a better person in general' category or spiritual goals that I don't know that I'll share just yet. But, I think I'm off to a good start. I've already been going on 4/5 for a few days now so I'm hoping that will continue. (That bravery one is much harder than it looks). So, if you see me in a week and I'm a resolution mess, kick me in the pants (figuratively) and get me going.

Question for the day: What are your biggest New Year's resolution flops? You know, the ones that you always make and always break? Maybe I can adopt a few more to add to my growing list!


NatAttack said...

Good for you for writing them down! I'm still working on the specifics of mine but should get it figured out soon huh? :)

stephanielynn said...

No worries, Carlee. I'll help you out with the stop swearing resolution since I've mastered it myself....

Matthew said...

I like the cooking goal as I am a big fan of cooking. I personally find that the food I cook can be 10 times better than the food I buy at a restaurant. And I agree...eating out can be very expensive.