Monday, November 27, 2006

A Drunk + A Cop + A Comedy Show do NOT 'Happy Valley' make. . .

I know you are thinking that this could be the makings of the most scandalous 'Carlee Blog' yet and it very well could be. . . just not how you are thinking!

So we decided to venture down to Provo (aka 'Happy Valley' for all of you non-Utah participants in today's blog) on Saturday night to watch an improve comedy show at Comedy Sportz.

SHAMELESS PLUG: Comedy Sportz is hilarious and the show is totally different every time because it's improv. You should try it - shows at 8 and 10:15 every weekend on Center Street just off University. Wow, that was sad!

So, I was riding with my bud Aaron to the show and we missed the exit. I like to think it was because of my compelling conversation skills but it can probably really be attributed to bad directions. Anyway, we decided to make a u-turn at an intersection and before I know it, my head was hitting the side window. (No worries, my head is fine and my hair still looked good!)

Just as I turned to tell Aaron that it wasn't kosher to run over medians in the middle of the road (which is what I thought he hit), I saw another car a little to close to ours - ok, touching it. Reality set it. . . we had been hit by two old people in a Chrysler!

Because it's a long story - I'll give you the Reader's Digest version: pull over, call cops, old man comes over to look at the damage and smells mildly funny (if it was cologne, he needs his money back because you should never smell like booze voluntarily), our friends show up and laugh their faces off, two cops show up, interviews, questions to us about who was driving the other car, old man mildly feisty about the cops being there and they have no registration or insurance on them (they JUST cleaned out their glove box. . . liars!), more cops show up (I was guessing they were bored. . . it was, afterall, Provo), vehicle search, bad words from the old man, cans removed from their car (and we FOUND the booze smell!), exchange information, more bad words from the old man, citation issued to old people (I still don't know what for. . . but I have a really good guess!), Carlee and Aaron leave. Whew, that was good.

Despite the fact we still made the late comedy show, the night was less than stellar. So, while you thought the headline sounded like loads of fun, I am here to tell you that a drunk, a cop and a comedy show do NOT Happy Valley make.

As a side note, I just ate some enchilada soup for lunch and just for future reference, enchiladas should stay enchiladas and soup should stay soup. NEVER combine the two. It's sick.


stephanielynn said...

There's never a dull moment in Provo.

Matthew said...

Actually Steph, there are plenty of dull moments in Provo.