Friday, November 03, 2006

My New Arch-Nemesis. . .

On occasion, I like to stop and get a cup of hot chocolate on the way to work. Nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary but it's an indulgence, none-the-less. This morning, I went against my better judgement and changed things up a bit - rather than making my way to the local Einstein's to get me my chocolate fix, I stopped at the new Starbuck's near my house to partake of their mouth-scalding blend. Who knew what I was getting into. . .
I figured that it was common knowledge (at least at a store whos main income is hot drinks) that lids on hot drinks are not meant to contain the liquid. . .really. They are meant to slow the flow when sipping a hot beverage so only parts of your mouth are burned to no feeling rather than your whole face being scalded when you hit a bump in the road and drink 'sloshing' occurs. Everyone knows this technique. . . which is why when you see people filling up styrofoam cups at the gas station, they freak out if the machine keeps dispensing up to the very top of the cup! Nobody wants hot liquid near the brim of the cup because they know the dire consequences of getting greedy with hot drinks - you WILL get burned.
Anyway, apparently the new guy (I am giving him the benefit of the doubt by assuming that he's new - otherwise, I should call him the idiot of the month and, btw, the inspiration for the title of this blog) at this particular establishment had not been trained in the art of 'stopping short'; he filled that cup right up to the brim and snapped the lid on. Me, in all of my wisdom, should have listened to that little voice in my head that said 'Carlee, I don't care how talented you think you are. If you leave this Starbucks with that hot chocolate as full as it is, you'll be wearing it by the time you get to work.' Needless to say, I didn't listen.

This is the part where I plug my favorite item of the day - today's blog is brought to you by the Tide 'To Go' stick. Frankly, every person should keep one in their purse/car/pocket at all times. It pretty much works on everything. . . even hot chocolate!

1 comment:

stephanielynn said...

You should sue:)