Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chalk Another One Up!

Tonight was our final regular season volleyball game (yuck it up kids. . . yes, short girls can play volleyball too!) and it was madness. We played this team of Amazon women that hit the volleyball like it was their kid that hadn't cleaned their room. Anyway, we had five people to try and battle off the long-term effects of steroids which, come to find out, do include getting a really bad attitude. We, my friends, were NOT successful.
The point of this blog isn't that we lost (which I am actually becoming pretty accustomed to after this year's winning softball season as well) or the fact that my knees look like I just crawled to Kaysville and back. The point is that I really, really hate loosing to people with bad attitudes. Have you ever noticed that? Loosing is bad enough but loosing to inconsiderate jerks does something to your insides. . . it ignites rage that burns like the fire of 1,000 suns. Descriptive enough? I think so. . .
Anyway, I sometimes wonder what happened to these people in their childhood that made them not ever grow up - I always thought you grew out of tattling, tantrums and name calling but I was wrong. Better yet, I weep for the future generations of athletes that have these idiots as parents. You know the type - that parent on the front row at the basketball game that yells obscenities at the opposing team. They usually choose really articulate things too like 'Cheater!' or 'Jerk' or 'Dumba#$!' and then they sit there and look confused as to why the opposing team (composed of 5-7 year old Jr Jazz hopefulls) is confused and mildly nervous about 'that one kid's dad'.
I love sports and really, all competition, as much as the next person but the question I pose is this: Is recreation ________ (fill in the blank with any given sport. . now I'm getting interactive with my readers!) really worth sacrificing your dignity? I say no. . . that is unless you are sure you can actually win the fight in the parking lot!

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