Wednesday, December 27, 2006

One of My Favorite Things

Nope, I'm not talking about the over-sized PEZ dispenser I got for Christmas (although I do very much enjoy that too!). . . I am talking about those moments in life that just make you step back and say 'Whhhhaaaaaatttt?' I had such a moment this weekend.

I've officially notched one more mark in my post-high school 'that was an awkward but so great encounter' pole. I am talking about those moments that you just want to tell everyone about and even though nobody REALLY cares, they can relate. There is usually some sort of snotty 'revenge' factor involved and I thrive on it - sad, but true. I'm sure many of you have heard about my first glorious moment on this list with the basketball player from high school that I ran into while I was buying ice cream for people at work and he was the one serving it. Yeah, that's right. Baskin Robins baby!

So, this weekend's encounter happened with one of my old teachers from elementary school. Although she was one of my favorites, she did make an attempt to scar me for life by asking me not to raise my hand so much in class. (For those of you who don't get it yet, I was a mild kiss up in school. I knew I was smart. . .and I wanted everyone else to know that too, I guess? Man, I was a brat. Over it. . . I hope.) Yes, she actually asked me not to raise my hand so much because the other kids feel intimidated. For you elementary school teachers out there, this is NOT a good tactic. Asking a kid to stop trying in school before they are even in Jr High (or ever really) is not the brightest idea. Good thing I didn't listen. . . ok really, it's a good thing that my parents had some four letter words to say about it so I continued to raise my hand. Anyway, no permanent damage but I will never forget. . .

So, I happened to run into this teacher at a large retailer the morning after Christmas. . . ok, ok it was Wal-Mart. Whew, that feels better now that I've aired my dirty laundry. I went to Wal-Mart to buy storage tubs. Anyway, the run-in happened at the check-out counter and this was the conversation:

Teacher: 'It's. . . Carlee. . . right?'
Carlee: 'Yeah, how are you?'
Teacher: 'Good. What are you up to?'

Story Pause: silly me, I thought she was talking about what I was doing in life, not right this second. Otherwise, I would have said 'Buying storage tubs.' But instead, I said:

'Oh, just working and playing and living. You know, the normal.'

Here's the kicker. . . wait for it. . . to which she said 'Oh, so you work here?' with a look of total disdain on here face.

Inside Carlee monologue: 'No!!! I do NOT work at Wal-Mart! Did you see a blue vest because I'm sure not wearing one! In addition, even if I did work there I wouldn't tell you after that horrible look you just gave me. . . trying to crush my hopes for my non-existent retail future just like you did to my education in 5th grade!'

At the risk of offending anyone who does work at this fine retail establishment, I have nothing against your job. I say do what you do. All I am saying is that when someone tells you what they are 'doing', no matter what the answer, don't ever look disgusted. Ever. It doesn't matter if they say that they are working at a strip joint. Love it, embrace it, welcome it. Don't offend someone by looking like you just smelled bad milk. It's rude and if you do it, you should be shot.

To make a really long story short, I did proceed to tell her what my job is but in retrospect, I almost wished I hadn't. I wished I had invented some story about how I was on work-release from the jail and that I was only granted work release because I had to take care of my three kids. Imagine THAT face, huh?

I did chuckle to myself as I left Wal-Mart, knowing that I am fortunate enough after 3 years of work to be in a better place than she is after 20. She was so smug, I had to get some satisfaction out of that. Baskin Robins and Wal-Mart. . . man, life is good.

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