Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday Sentiments. . .

So last week I promised that I would break out of my 'trying to be funny' shell and deliver and emotion-packed holiday blog. Well, Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get to blog at all over the present-stuffed, food-filled, glorious weekend that I had. It was THAT good - I couldn't even blog. But, I am going to try and tone down the humor a bit for this one so stay with me.

As I said, this weekend was filled with great things - family, friends, presents (call me spoiled, I don't care) and so much good food that my training is completely thrown off whack but at least I have leftover lunch today - nothing better. Shameless Plug: I don't care what anyone says, my mother makes the best potato salad, hands down. I know this may spark debate but I will win because she does.

Anyway, in the midst of all the pandemonium, it gets difficult for me to sit back and pay attention to what it all means. I'm like a kid in a candy store really - I love everything so much that I can't really decide what I am most grateful for. That very thought brought so much irony with it that I couldn't help but share. . . I have so many blessings in my life that it starts getting difficult to be grateful for it all.

I often think about what it is that brought me to this place (for you sarcasm enthusiasts: no, not my desk at work and yes, I know it was my car that 'brought me here') in my life. Why was it that I was born in the great place and time that I was born in? Why do I have a house and a job and a family (crazy as they can be at times) and the ability to maintain an excellent standard of living? Why am I not that homeless woman on the street or in that family that struggles to make ends meet every month? Have you ever thought about that? What is it that determined your place in life? Was it choices that were made or sheer dumb luck or maybe something more. . .it's a slight tangent but something to ponder none-the-less.

I thought about what it is that makes this season so 'magical', if you will, and I can really only come back to one thing - belief. Christmas gives people the chance to believe in something and whether it's God or Santa or simply believing in the good nature of people, it makes a difference. Believing in something brings hope and offers peace in an otherwise chaotic world. People become kinder, softer somehow. Genuine emotions can be shared without reservation or judgment. It's that belief in a greater good that does that.

At the risk of continuing on and botching this more than I already have, I will sign off shortly. I know that I rambled but that's where we are at without humor. . . rambling (at this point - I hope it gets better). I am utterly grateful for all that I have, especially the people that I have in my life. 'Things' are wonderful and I am glad that I have them, but more so, I am grateful for my friends and family. Those people that always have something to offer me when I need it - emotionally, spiritually and otherwise. I know that they aren't in my life by accident. Nothing is in my life by accident. We should live with purpose and on purpose. That is my resolution.

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