Thursday, December 21, 2006

And I'm back in the game. . .

So, a few people have noticed by absence from Blogger over the last while. I have to tell you, I have not abandoned my new favorite hobby nor do I intend to. The pressure was just too much. 'What pressure?' you may be asking? The pressure to be FUNNY!
I don't know if you have noticed but my blog links to the blogs of some of the funniest people that I know. (If you haven't noticed, you should check them out. Just a warning, you might pee a little.) So, being surrounded by hillarious people has sent me into a tailspin. I'm surrounded by whit and I am a dud. I can't let my readers down. Nothing amusing has really happened in my life. What is a blogger to do?
Then, it happened. One of my fellow bloggers (thanks Steph) reassured me that I don't always have to be funny. While it is probably better for mass-reading and entertainment purposes, it isn't necessary. I can write at will. At the very same time, one of the most respected bloggers that I know (the woman herself, the Nat Attack) wrote an inspiring blog about our armed forces. Humorous, nope. Incredible, yes. (Again, shameless plug. . . READ IT). It was the answer I was seeking all along.
So, while I am about to make what can only be considered a 'humorous' entry, you can expect something a little more sentimental around the holidays. Don't be nervous, you don't have to partake. I'm just saying that it will happen. I'm branching out and frankly, back in the game. . .

1 comment:

NatAttack said...

Argh. I HATE the pressure to write funny blogs. You're exactly right. Whatever's written should just be meaningful--either to the writer, the reader, or both.

And if you ever call yourself a dud again, I'll kizill you. You're make my insides ache funny.