Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It's officially Christmas! How do I know? Well, other than the busy crowds and screaming kids. . . I get free stuff. That's right. Just like Michael Scott, I love SWAG (Stuff We All Get)!
So far this year, the vendors at work are sending some great stuff - I'm pretty impressed. Mostly, it's been stuff that my trainer would kill me if I ate (like chocolate covered marshmallows - what a concept people!) but I appreciate it none-the-less. Especially because it means that they think we are important. . .which is what I have been trying to tell them! Ha! Totally kidding. But it makes us feel that way which is what counts.
Merry Christmas to us. . love our vendors. And Merry Christmas to you - I hope you also get free stuff from people you have never met! It could be the best concept in business. Don't skip that chapter.

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