Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Random Stuff

What am I doing right now? Sitting in on the lamest phone call maybe ever. Don't get me wrong, the information is really good for the other parties involved. Me? I don't really care about how to talk to Military personnel when you are a rep at a school. 'Why would you not care about such a thing?' you may be asking? Well, let me tell you:

1. I will never be an admissions rep at a school. No desire to do it at all. I'd probably rather work at Wal-Mart and you all know my raging feelings about that. and. . .

2. I will never have the guts to be in the Military. I pay my taxes so that other brave souls will be in the Military and be compensated so that they can go to school. I would sooner take my chances in a chicken fight with a train than join the Military. My personal odds of survival are better. I'm admitting right now - I'm too scared to go to war, too lazy to run that much, too girly to shoot anything and way too opinionated to be yelled at. Mad props to all of those folks that are brave enough to join up and protect my sorry rear-end. I vow here and now to continue to pay my taxes so that the GI Bill will continue to exist.

I had trouble coming up with a title to this blog because I didn't have anything in particular to talk about - I just felt like writing. So, 'Random Stuff' it is. Some thoughts I've had over the last little while (by no means ordered by subject matter or importance). . .

  • We were trying to figure out the name of that show on PBS that had the mannequin and Muffy the mouse and it just hit me. It's Today's Special. Jeff, Jodie, Sam and Muffy. Good times.
  • Remember that part on Napolean Dynamite where Pedro says 'I like her bangs.'? Well, I like my bangs. In fact, I don't know how I survived without them for so many years. They add dimension to my hair and I like that.
  • Best television show of all time still belongs to The Office. There is no better comedy ever written or played, period.
  • I like straight shooters - people who get right to the point and tell it like it is. Granted, I don't like them so much when the news is harsh AND it's directed at me, but I think I get over it pretty fast. Maybe my sudden liking has to do with my new years resolution to be brave and go after what I want, I don't know. But, I think it's the best way to be.
  • I have cold hands. . . a lot. I don't know what the issue is. It's not like I have particularly long arms so the circulation struggles or something. They are just cold. . . and I hate it. Every time my hands get cold, the skin looks like it stretches (because really the muscles just shrink) and then I have grandma hands. Ok, not totally. . . but a little.
  • I would die without the internet and email. Quite literally, I think that I would. This is evidenced by the fact that my Outlook was down from 4:00 yesterday to 10:45 this morning and I felt like I was missing an arm. How does a person become THAT dependent on a computer? I feel like it's my everything - ok, it is my everything. Which is why I bought a snazzy new laptop of my own (here it is) rather than always relying on work's to get my stuff done. I love it. . . except for the 'transferring files from my old computer' thing but that has been made easier thanks to my dear friend Gib and his external hard drive. Heaven bless technology! Anyone want to buy a 'slightly used' Sony Vaio?
  • Meredith Vieira on the Today Show = better than I thought. I was an avid Couric fan but Mer is really doing it for me. . . mainly because she isn't so serious that it hurts. I like her - and I don't care what anyone has to say about it.
  • Latest television craze (besides The Office and Grey's) = Dateline: To Catch a Predator. Am I so sick because I love this show? I hope not because I DO love it. Mainly I like seeing these sick perves get arrested and cry like little kids when they realize that now EVERYONE knows they are perverts. What an idea! Who would have thought that 13 year old jailbait actually worked. These guys aren't just sick - they are idiots.

Ok, that was a good spout of random thoughts. I feel so much better.


stephanielynn said...

I was struggling with your description of Today's Special. Even the name didn't clear things up. But the picture on Wiki is bringing back some memories. I'm not 100%, but a whole lot closer!

I also do not care about how to better convert Military leads. They lost me at the GI Bill.

Lindsay Jane said...

I loved Today's Special. That call was long and boring. 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 36 seconds to be exact.