Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bag of Bones

No, I'm not talking about the next sequel in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. . . although that really would be a good title, eh? I'm talking about her - the girl at my work that I have made reference to in my blog before. You remember, she's the one that sat at work and complained (loudly) that she just couldn't find clothes that were small enough to fit her (growl. . .). How lame.

Anyway, thanks to the worst transition ever held at work, we moved cubicles at work and now, rather than hear her morning rant about clothing or food storage or her allergies, she's at the other end of the building telling other people who don't care either! It's so great! I couldn't hear her even if I wanted to. . . which is less likely to happen than me ever complaining about not finding clothes that are small enough. What a blessing.

Sadly, also thanks to this transition, I am now working on the same team that she spends most of her time working on. Luckily, I don't do that much with her but I do now run into her in meetings every now and again. . . like this very fateful morning.

Long story short, I had to take my laptop into the meeting so that we could project something and my desktop picture is this lovely photo of your friend and mine from
The Office - Dwight. He's nerdy and lovable all at the same time. Thanks for sending this Nat - I love it!

So anyway, of course this sparked some good conversation about tonight's episode (Shameless Plug - go Jim and Pam! "Give the people what they want!"). Another guy that we worked with asked B.O.B. if she watched The Office to which she quickly replied "No thanks. . . that is the dumbest show ever! Why would anyone watch that?"

Now, I'm not usually one to get offended but DO NOT say things like that when I clearly am obsessed. That's like telling a girl that just cut her hair off that all short hair is ugly. Would you do it? No. Why? Because you have tact - which appears to be a train that B.O.B. seriously missed out on. I don't even think she bought a ticket. I was so unnerved that I wanted to eat something in front of her and ask her how it felt to be allergic to everything. Rude, I know. But I couldn't help it. . . the fiery pit of anger was back - just like when I used to hear about her allergies.

Dwight is right - its all about determination. . .determination to make her pay. I feel like there is another stapler that should go in Jell-O. Anyone want in?


stephanielynn said...

Take Bag o' Bones down! Don't mess with The Office--it's sacred around these parts.

NatAttack said...

Bahahaha. Classic.

Just think! If she were ever to get engaged we could start calling her the Corpse Bride.

d.r. gib said...

Do I know of whom you speak? She is lucky I wasn't around for her Office comment...I'da closed lined her.

stephanielynn said...

You may have passed by her near the receptionist...deathly skinny, blanket wrapped around her lower half because she doesn't have enough body fat to stay warm...

Ringing any bells?

Lindsay Jane said...

Now I have to sit near her and listen to her weird storys about her family. In, fact she is telling one right now. This place sucks!