Friday, February 23, 2007

Only in the Movies??

So you know that scene in the Sex and the City opener when Sarah Jessica Parker is walking and gets completely soaked by a bus. Well, in no way was a wearing a tutu and in no way was I in downtown Manhattan. . .but in the most important aspects of the story, that, my friends, was me this morning. If you thought this crap only happened in the movies (like I did as recently as 8:30 this morning), I'm hear to burst your reality bubble. It happens. . . in real life. Here's how it all shook out:

I stopped and bought an orange juice this morning - hoping to bring a little sunshine to this overcast and snowy day. I put the bottle of oj on my passenger seat and proceeded to work. As often happens, the oj was not content with staying on the passenger seat and rolled between the seat and the door. Now that I look back, it was an omen - sent to tell me that something was weird about that passenger door and that I should stay away. Ignored it.

When I pulled into work, I noticed that the parking lot was particularly slushy (yes, that's the technical word for it) and new it would be a pain to traipse around my car to go a dig out my oj. In one last attempt to save my shoes from being soaked (an annoyance that I'm sure we have all dealt with), I reached across the passenger seat to see if I could fingertip my way to victory and retrieve my beverage. Failure. I pushed it further under the seat. It was time to admit defeat and go around and get my oj.

After making my way rather skillfully around the car and retrieving my drink, I turned to head inside. Just as I tuned, I heard a familiar but not automatically recognizable sound. The thought process and senseless four second elimination began: airplane, no. . . diesel, no. . .lawn mower, snowing. . .got it! And then as the panic set in, it was too late. Enter this bad boy:

Yup. Snowplow. That's it! Just as my excitement of winning my internal guessing game came to fruition, it was washed away. . . literally. In a matter of two seconds, I went from being a dry, orange juice drinker to a wet, plow bullied pedestrian. I was soaked.

In my fear, I had thrown my purse up in front of my face to make an attempt at protecting my makeup and my punk-rocker hair that I so meticulously did this morning. Hair, ok. Makeup, ok. Purse, not so ok. The outside is still wet (a few hours later) and the inside, well, let's just say that paper products and water do not a good combo make.

No, I didn't get mad. It was too late. I was already wet so what good would being mad do? Nothing. I laughed. . . really hard. I think it was because of my good attitude that I had some good fortune. The water, surprisingly, was not dirty (how that happens in the center of a SICK parking lot, I don't know). But, the white sweatshirt angels were watching out for me because my shirt still looks pretty clean, even after being covered in sick parking lot water! Nothing was ruined completely and my purse will recover.

Only in the movies? I think not. . . Happy Friday all!

1 comment:

stephanielynn said...

I'm sorry I laughed so hard, but that's too funny!