Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Click, click, click. . .

Dear Toilet Texter,
I can hear you. There are only two stalls in this mini bathroom so the only two options of me not hearing you (more toilets that can flush to cover up the clicking sound of your keyboard or far enough distance between the toilets that I can't hear you) are dead. I hear you in the next stall over, typing away like texting in public is a sin and you don't want to be caught doing it in the hallway so you'll just have at it during your lunch bathroom break. It's audible. . . and echoes ever so faintly in this tin can.

Two things I wish:

First, that whatever you were texting was really, really important because not only did I hear you but so did the other three people waiting in line to use your stall. (They looked like they had to go, by the way and you really held them up).

Second, that no matter my own telephone circumstances or eventual cell phone demise, I never inherit your blackberry. Gross.

Oh, and PS, if you are texting people in the bathroom and they are responding, don't put your vibrating phone on top of the tp holder. If you are trying to inconspicuous, you really just blew it.




Sara said...

Carlee, so happy I now have your blog. It's hilarious. Read several previous posts & laughed outloud.
Hope we can have another crew reunion very soon! :)

e said...

What REALLY bothers me is the people who TALK on the phone in a public bathroom. I think it is questionable to do it in your home bathroom, but in public?!?!

Leslie said...

I LOVE that we all hate phones in a public restroom. SICK! I'm 100% with you Cars. I think anyone who answers a call or is caught texting on the pot should have her cellphone privileges removed and then only be permitted to use a cord-phone attached to a SHORT line where getting to a restroom and using the phone at the same time would then be a physical impossiblity!!! Which do you think would happen to such an individual: A) phone conversation ending or B) accident. I'll bet my 20 chips on A!!

Carlee said...

I always wondered why they actually HAD bathrooms with phones in them - like at a nice hotel? In case you're on a conference call and have to go, you're covered??? Phones in the bathroom should be banned just like pocket knives in the airport!

Kara said...

Logan once had a pair of musical socks (no, I'm not joking) that went off spontaneously in the men's room (a.k.a. "The Inner Sanctum" -- albeit a very smelly and disgusting one). I don't think he's ever fully recovered from this obvious faux pas. WHY HAS THE TOILET TEXTER NO SHAME?!