Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I Just Want to Go Home!!!

While many of you are probably thinking that this blog is going to be in reference to my overly-exciting job and the sentiments that I get everyday at about 11:00. . . you're wrong. Ok, you're right that the subject line does accurately portray those morning work sentiments, but that's not what this blog is about. . at least not today.

I come from a pretty great city that has become overly-populated in the last 10 or so years. I believe that this large increase in people is due solely to the addition of a Super Wal-Mart and the neighboring Home Depot, but what do I know. Anyway, the increasing number of people has lead to increased traffic which means. . . you guessed it, road construction. A lot of it. And I officially hate it.

It all started last year with the Gentile expansion project (Gentile is the main road closest to my house and the very road that my beloved parents reside on). The city thought it a brilliant plan to uproot an entire main road and expand it. Did they have the sense to tackle this project in pieces so as to minimize the effect it would have on traffic? Nope, they sure didn't. Process: tear up the entire street so it is undrivable for a long time and then redo the entire thing. Net effect: prolonged unuse of a main road west of my house and a dirty car every time I tried to visit the parents (there was dirt everywhere, over everything). Inconvenience time: about 6-8 months.

After this brilliant project started, it was all downhill from there. They apparently forgot to expand the top of West Gentile but remembered about 3 weeks ago that it needed to be done. So now, the entire road is open EXCEPT the part that lets you get to main street - aka, the most important part of the road. It's like redoing a house and leaving the front door off. . . or better yet, locked with no key. It does nobody any good. Process: tear up the road immediately in front of the road that leads to Carlee's house. Net effect: having to drive 15 blocks out of my way, either direction in order to get out of my neighborhood. Inconvenience time: about 30 minutes per DAY!

To this I add Layton's desire to accommodate the tracks project. Again, construction. Neighboring city overhauling part of their main road that is THE alternate route home. Again, construction.

'Shoulder work ahead', 'Road Closed', 'One Lane Ahead'. These short phrases are now the story of my life. Every (and I'm not exaggerating as I tend to do at times) route for me to get home is interrupted by construction. I can't remember the last time I was able to drive directly to my house. This does not a happy girl make when all I want to do is go home! Is that too much to ask?

1 comment:

stephanielynn said...

When I had to commute from Provo I had similar issues. It sometimes made me want to hurt people. Ok, not sometimes...all the time.