Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tag. . .

Ok, Sar!! I take your tag and I run with it!! My sister-in-law tagged me and basically challenged me to fill this out so here I go. I'll be tagging some others at the end so don't you worry!
These are kind of hard but I think I can hack it. I may be a bit embarassed once this is through? We'll see.

8 Favorite TV Shows
1. The Office
2. Grey's Anatomy (nobody hearts McDreamy like I do. . since he was in Can't Buy Me Love)
3. Best Week Ever
4. The Today Show (except during election season, boo for Matt and Meredith)
5. Real World/Road Rules Challenges
6. The Hills (its like a train-wreck. . . I can't look away even though NOTHING ever happens)
7. The Family Guy
8. Any type of volleyball being broadcast

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Worked a really long day
3. Visits with the Stake RS presidency
4. Carpooled (this is a nod to me saving the earth, not an excuse for you to call me lame because it's on the list!)
5. Swimming with my mom
6. Caught up on a little tivo action
7. Wrote my last blog
8. Nearly froze when I went to bed so I cursed the snow!

8 Things I look forward to
1. The election being over. (agreed 1,000 times over. . . without the endorsement)
2. A night with nothing to do!
3. Olivia's first Christmas. (also agreed! Sar put this one and I can't wait for that too!)
4. Mexico with the fam early next year
5. Mediterranean cruise in April!! (Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia. . . peeing my pants!)
6. Nights out with the girls
7. BYU and Utah volleyball game (Friday the 14th at 7:00 at the U if you're interested)
8. Finishing my project at work!

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Red Robin
2. Applebees
3. Paradise Bakery
4. Crown Burger
5. My mom's house
6. Sarah's House
7. PF Chang's
8. Cutler's

8 Things on my wish list
1. A paid-off house!
2. A finished basement.
3. People to share my house with (aka a husband and some kids :))
4. To be happy at my job MOST of the time.
5. To be healthier all-around.
6. A maid.
7. More time.
8. More patience.

Ok, now the fun part. . . I tag Steph and Linds, Alisa, Mandy and Rach. Good Luck!!

1 comment:

Michael and Rachel said...

Love your answers! I always like seeing what you have to say. :) And a cruise to the coolest places EVER?? JEALOUS!!