Thursday, May 10, 2007

And I'm back in the Game. . .

ALO-O-O-O-O-O-HA! So it's been a long while since I've ranted and I've been feeling the writing itch for about a week now. My best excuse for my absence has been my recent excursion to Polynesia. . . ok, the American part of Polynesia. Melissa, Rachael and I went to Hawaii for about a week and just returned last week tan and happy.

I thought about filling my first blog back with photos of my trip and talking about the glorious things that we did, but I'm not going to do that. . . at least not now. First, my photos are yet to make their way onto my computer to transfer over. Second, we have some more important things to discuss. . . and to do so, I'm returning to the list format that I love ever so much. There are so many things that I could title this list and so many directions that I could go! So, since it's going to be a fairly eclectic list, I should probably just call it: Things I Learned from My Hawaii Trip (boring, I know, but all encompassing so it serves it's purpose.)

1. Don't take that with you! I don't care who you are, everyone always over packs. I think that my bag was AT it's weight limit when we left, which doesn't say much for returning with souvenirs, right. I think a key chain would have put me over. What is it about going on vacation that makes people think they need everything that they might wear or use over a month's time? Maybe it makes us feel like we are more at home but that's the irony - we are leaving to get away from 'stuff' and home. Not to mention, even Hawaii has a Wal-Mart - just in case. So, unless you are truly traveling to a deserted island (again, irony rears it's ugly head because last I checked, you can only bring ONE thing to deserted islands, right? That's what the question book says anyway. . .), fight the urge and leave it home. You'll be ok.
2. Relaxation. . .squashed. Just because you go on vacation and relax and let your nerves die does not mean everyone will be receptive to that when you get back. In fact, nobody else changed while you were gone - remember that. Be prepared for a quick stifling of your mood. It's sad. So, if you are the 'stay at home' part of the equation, do your part and leave the vacationer alone for 2 days. Let them 'climatize' through someone else's emails. They will resent them and not you.
3. Aloha spirit directly translated means pot. I thought it was just a calming spirit of brotherhood and relaxation. . . and it is, but now I know that it's chemically induced! Hawaii, Jamaica. . . there is a lot to be said for those tropical climates and their 'agriculture'.
4. Truly and fully vacation - that's the only way. On my way to Hawaii, I was half sleeping and half thinking about all of the things I left at work. I know I'm not the only one who thinks like this. I was excited to see that my hotel had Internet access and I was only two floors away from checking my work email. Then I realized the battle that was about to ensue. I put myself on work timeout. I could have worried about work at home for free, and heaven knows this trip was not free. So, I stopped. I'm proud to say that I didn't even think about work one time after that minute. It's the only way to come back with that true vacation glow. Testified.
5. I have it so good. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot to be said for living on an island and teaching the 'white man' how to surf (I literally thought about making that my career at multiple points on my little excursion). It's a great life and I have brought back a lot of the feeling that I had in such a laid back environment; some of those things include a new found need to simplify my life and get rid of the unnecessary clutter that cramps my surroundings. BUT, I also gained a new love for the life that I live and a gratitude for the things that I have. I have a new found appreciation for my values, my house, the dry weather and my air conditioning. Mostly, I love the fact that a trip to the grocery store doesn't break the bank. $8 for a gallon of milk? You have to be kidding. My diet of cereal in the morning has returned and I am SO grateful that that stuff is readily available and cheap. Thank heavens.

Those are pretty much the major lessons learned. I'll try and get some pics uploaded soon so you can see the sites of the islands. Loved the trip, glad to be back. And Aloha!


NatAttack said...

Welcome home--and better yet, WELCOME BACK TO BLOGGING!


Lindsay Jane said...

Good to know, but I don't know if I can be as strong as you about work. You know how Ross gets....

stephanielynn said...