Thursday, July 12, 2007

When tucking. . .

When tucking a shirt in (not that it happens all that often unless necessary), do you tuck into the pants or all the way down into the underwear? Now I'm pretty sure I know the socially correct answer to this (nobody is going to admit to the underwear), but I want to know the real, honest truth because I just saw something that would lead me to believe that this underwear tucking may happen on a regular basis. And if you DO admit to the underwear tucking, is it the added security of the elastic band that entices you so? Does it stay tucked better that way or something because I can't get over the 'sick' factor.


stephanielynn said...

This is making me laugh really hard.

Honest answer? First of all, I don't really tuck. Second, no, I would not (and have not ever) tuck all the way down to the underwear.

I'm still laughing as I type this.

Carlee said...

And I'm laughing as I read your response. Maybe just because I think the word underwear is funny sometimes?

Andrea said...

LOL! Carlee, I hope you don't mind me stalking your blog. *blush* You make me laugh, deary. Hee!

For the record, I don't tuck. LOL, but if I did, it would be just the jeans. No underwear-tucking going on here. :D

X Annie