Thanks to Tim McGraw for the blog title and for the inspiration (sort of) to write this blog. Ok, ok, so it's been months since I've entertained myself by doing what i love - aka, writing in this blog-o-sphere of mine.I feel like I can legitimately say that I've been super busy. I used to take my lunch at work and pound out a blog or two each week and over the last few months, that hasn't even been a possibility so my apologies to my reader - aka, my mom, for not keeping up. Haha. Ok, I really have been hounded by a couple people to get going on this and I've finally found the time; who knew I would have to leave the country in order to find it??!!??
The sad thing about not keeping up is that it's been a fun few months in the life of Carlee and not record to prove it. (If you can please take my lack of blogging as a sign that I'm enjoying my life, I'd really appreciate it!) Things have been good for me; work's busy, social life is good, I got a new niece a couple of weeks ago and I'm loosing my best work friend to Seattle, all of which are very blog-worthy topics and I have failed to write my feeling on said topics which makes me sad. Now comes the inspirational music and my fist of conviction raised high in the air with a goal to do better.
Right now I'm sitting on the patio/porch/lanai of our room at the Moon Palace in Cancun. I'm here with my parents for the yearly Hamblin family vaca. It's been such a stellar few days (other than the radical sunburn I mysteriously got only on the right side of my neck?) that I'm thinking of opening a taco cart and moving here. Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure there are more actual 'taco' carts in downtown Ogden than there are in all of Cancun. I haven't seen that many so I think I could make a thriving business here. Heck, even the Costco here sells pizza and hot dogs! A good slogan is really all I need. . . like 'It's actual meat, I swear' or 'We don't use our water' or something catchy like that. All of the Americans will love it and I'll be rich!! Mwahahaha. (that was my weak attempt at typing an evil laugh, you know, like Dr. Evil?)
Really, I say I could move simply because not having to work has been bliss. I didn't realize how taxing it had been lately and frankly, wore me out. Props to my team who are back crunching through month-end while I sit here but I promise, we're all better for it. So, if I had to get a job here (which I would because from what I can tell, there are no wealthy men living here so I couldn't find a sugar daddy to live off of), I may die because I don't know if you know this but Cancun is 5 million degrees. I know what you're thinking: 'Carlee. It can't be. it would be as hot as the sun.' Well surprise to you all, it is. We went to Tulum yesterday and I literally think if I would have caught all of the sweat that came off, we would have been measuring in gallons. I know, gross visual, but it's true. There is a reason that us fair-skinned folks live to the north. You know when people get SO sunburned that they start to look purple? Well I've seen some of those since we've been here and it isn't pretty.
Anyway, back to getting a job in Mexico. The only way I could run a taco cart would be if I didn't have to stand over a hot stove and it was an air conditioned cart. . . like maybe more like a Winnebago? And I could keep it running all day because down here, gas is $2.00 per gallon. That's right folks. How come we can figure out air conditioning and they figure out oil? Air is important but I think it's time to admit oil defeat and ask for some help from our neighbors to the south! They don't hate us, right? We could strike a deal. Like we'll air condition your country if you'll sell us cheap oil. Look at that, problems solved. Man, I should be president. And if I were, I wouldn't need a job in Mexico.